Offered products
KOBI Light Offer

Artificial light sources are one of the most important
and significant mankind’s achievments.
Artificial light sources are one of the most important
and significant mankind’s achievments.
Information about personal data
You have a right to object against personal data processing.
In accordance with art. 13 paragraph 1 and 2 of European Parliment and Council (EU) 2016/679 of the day 27.4.2016 about protection of individuals in relation to personal data processing and on free movement of that data and repeal of directive 95/46/WE (general regulation about data protection) – hereinafter referred to as RODO, I inform that:
1) The Administrator of your personal data is Kobi Light Sp. z o.o. headquartered in Rzeszów, Boya-Żeleńskiego 2, 35-105 Rzeszów, entered in traders registry by District Court in Rzeszow, XII Economic Department under number: 0001016732, shared capital 100.000 PLN (fully paid), having numbers: REGON 180227103, NIP (tax number) 8133499669, BDO registry number 000003217, email address:, telephone: 609753756 (hereinafter referred to as: Company or Administrator).
2) We proces your personal data in order to send the information about our products, special offers and latest offers. The base of our action is voluntary consent which you can give by marking the proper check-box below and giving us your email address. The consent can be withdrawn by you in any time (you can do that in any time by sending us the demand by email address, by letter or by phone). The link for consent withdrawal can be found in every email from us). Please remember that consent withdrawal is in force from the moment of withdrawal.
3) The legal basis of processing your personal data is art. 6 paragraph 1 (a) RODO, meaning; given by you voluntary consent.
4) The receivers of your personal data will be the subjects providing services for the Company: services of sending the information and maintaing the internet servers for the Administrator.
5) In case of goods freight by DPD Poland sp. z o.o. personal data of packages receivers can be entered by Member of DPD Network (meaning; services provider who is a member of DPD Network including DPD Poland as well as workers, agents and independent subcontractors) to SDN list monitoring system (meaning; a list created according to Decree 13224 in order to identify people suspected of terrorism; or any other more current version published by Office of Foreign Assets Control of USA Treasury Ministry and published on official website: or any other second website or other official publication of that list implemented by DPD Network Member in order to check whether the receiver is on SDN list or any other ONZ list or similar national list or international list. More information here:
6) The Company does not intend to transfer your personal data to Third party however, in case of this necissity you will be informed about it.
7) Your personal data will be processed until the withdrawal of consent given by you.
8) You have a right to access for your data and the right to demand its correction, deleting, limit the processing, the right to transfer the data, the right to object against data processing.
9) You have a right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority (The Chairman of Personal Data Protection Office) when you consider that processing of your data violates the law.
10) Giving the personal data in form of e-mail address by you is voluntary but necessary to send you these information.
1) The Administrator of Customers personal data who are the individuals is Kobi Light Sp. z o.o. headquartered in Rzeszów, Boya-Żeleńskiego 2, 35-105 Rzeszów, entered in traders registry by District Court in Rzeszow, XII Economic Department under number: 0001016732, shared capital 100.000 PLN (fully paid), having numbers: REGON 180227103, NIP (tax number) 8133499669, BDO registry number 000003217, email address: , telephone: 609753756 (hereinafter referred to as: Company, Administrator or Shop).
2) Personal data of Customers can be processed by the Administrator in order to:
3) Legal basis of data processing is;
4) The receivers of Customers’ personal data are or may be this subjects to whom the Shop is obliged to transfer the data on basis of legal provisions in force (public bodies, especially Social Security Office,Tax Office) and also the subjects providing hosting, legal, accounting, maintenance, consulting, transporting, packages delivery and postal services for the Company in a range which is necessary for Shop’s performance and economic activity carried out by it and for contract execution.
5) In case of goods freight by DPD Poland sp. z o.o. personal data of packages receivers can be entered by Member of DPD Network (meaning; services provider who is a member of DPD Network including DPD Poland as well as workers, agents and independent subcontractors) to SDN list monitoring system (meaning; a list created according to Decree 13224 in order to identify people suspected of terrorism; or any other more current version published by Office of Foreign Assets Control of USA Treasury Ministry and published on official website: or any other second website or other official publication of that list implemented by DPD Network Member in order to check whether the receiver is on SDN list or any other ONZ list or similar national list or international list. More information here:
6) Customer’s personal data will be processed in period of contract execution and after that period, not longer than it is necessary for investigation, establishment of possible claims or defencing against them resulting from sales contract or during a period of expiration of Administrator’s tax liabilities. Personal data in marketing purposes will be processed until the consent withdrawal to sending Shop’s products information, special offers and newest offers. Personal data in contact purposes will be processed within a period of maximum 30 days from its receiving or from last contact from the Customer.
7) The Customers have a right to access to their data and the right to demand its rectify, delete, processing reduction and data transfer.
8) The Customer have a right to lodge a complaint to supervisory authority (The Chairman of Office of Personal Character Data Protection) if the Customer considers that processing of their personal data infringe the provisions.
9) Giving the personal data by a Customer is voluntary for marketing purposes of the Shop’s services. Giving the personal data is voluntary for contract execution however, without giving it concluding a contract will not be possible. Giving the data for contact purposes is voluntary to execute the cotract.
As regards the legal base of personal data processing shown above – meaning; art. 6 paragraph 1 (f) RODO, the Customer have a right to object against data processing based on that.
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